Affiliated to the Cadillac La Salle Club of America

Members' cars range from a 1903 Model A Runabout with a mere six horsepower to the Millennium STS Seville with over 300, the former capable of a terrifying 40mph with 'adequate' acceleration and the latter of a smooth 160mph accompanied by racing-car thrust.
Some of these Cadillacs and LaSalles have covered hundreds of thousands of miles in just a few years and others only a few thousand in their entire lifetime. There are those vehicles that are used purely for show purposes and others that are driven daily, or even compete on the UK's motor racing circuits.
While authenticity to the original specifications will always be preferred - and some are exactly that right down to the last nut and screw - others have been modified to reflect a personal or artistic preference. However, so popular were these cars when new and so robust is their nature that enough have survived for there to be no chance of them becoming endangered.
With the above in mind, the club takes pleasure in welcoming everyone who has a passion or an interest in this great marque, whether owners or not (even he who has adapted a massive multi-litre Cadillac V8 to propel his motorcycle!) and hopes that all members will enjoy each others machines as much as each other's company.